IELTS free practice – the best online resources

Written By thais

4 fev, 2019

fevereiro 4, 2019

Do you often get lost and confused when searching the internet for IELTS free practice online? Most people do! If you simply type “IELTS FREE PRACTICE” on google, you will get approximately 46.100.000 results in 0,36 seconds! It is a lot of practice, but also a lot of bad and useless links. Consequently, the task of finding the online resources that suit your needs can be extremely time consuming. More often than not, the students get distracted with all the material available online and spend more time surfing the net rather than actually studying for the test.

Have you got this time to spare? I believe not. So, in order to guarantee that YOU DON´T waste any more of your time searching the internet for free practice, teacher Thais decided to share her favorite links. They are separated according to each section of the paper: LISTENING, READING, WRITING and SPEAKING.

We are sure that, by following these links, you will be much more productive in your studies.


The IELTS Exam

First of all, you need to understand how this exam works. You must know how many questions there are, how long it takes, what kind of exercises it presents. So, start reading the official site which brings a thorough explanation on the format of the test. Access the link:



If you need to improve your listening skills please READ THE TIPS. There are certain steps you can follow that will help you get better results. You will find great tips, exercises and test practice in the following links:



The basic rule here is: the more you read the better! So, read everything, books, magazines, shampoo labels…  The idea is that you become fluent in reading in English. The IELTS reading texts are long, hence, time management is crucial in this section. Good news is that there are many strategies to help you.

The reading section is divided into ACADEMIC PRACTICE and GENERAL PRACTICE. So, make sure you check which exam you need to take, they are different.



If you want to improve your writing you need the assistance of a teacher. This is simply because you need someone to correct your work. A professional teacher will read your writings and give you valuable feedback on how you can improve or what score you may expect to get. Nevertheless, you will find inspiration, samples and precious tips on the following sites.

Remember, you must also pay attention to which exam you are going to take. There are two different tests: ACADEMIC PRACTICE and  GENERAL PRACTICE.



The best way to improve your speaking is with a teacher who knows how to prepare you for the exam. However, you can check some models and learn what is expected of you. There are also many tips on how you can prepare for this section.



In most of the sites mentioned above you will find free practice tests. But you might also want to check these two sites.

Past IELTS Exams! If you are feeling ready you can take one of the past IELTS exams. In this site they are just like the real one! It is user friendly, and the tests have a very similar format to the actual test. The exercises are timed, so you get to practice your  time management. You can also submit your writings to get a correction,.

The Cambridge site, that  requires subscription, but is free and definitely worth the while.

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Hope this helps you!



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